
Random things I want to study or tackle at some point

  1. A website for me
  2. Maximum a-posterior rule
  3. Gini Index
  4. [DROPPED] Write about my struggles with CircleCI
  5. Search for a club of writers in recife
  6. Read short stories. One per day
  7. Write a blogpost with: what am I reading.
  8. [NEXT] Write a blogpost with all the details of Self organizing maps
  9. Thornton’s separability index
  10. Write a blogpost about speed regexes
  11. Write a blogpost on Generalized Degrees of Grey Incidence
  12. Write a blogpost to about the Trace Ratio Criterion and its relation to dimensionality reduction
  13. write a blog post about my piano quest this year
  14. set as goal write 2 blogposts in january and increase this until writing one per week at the end of the year
  15. Do a remix with Taylor swift’s song london boy + brega funk
  16. Watch lectures on writing
  17. What Should You Do with Your Life? Directions and Advice. Write life advices to my cousings
  18. [DONE] How github actions sucks for custom builds
  19. Read these books Books 2021
  20. Criar um template para journals (tirar perguntas do livro Meditações) e refletir nelas diariamente
  21. Revisar periodicamente minhas notas sobre livros
  22. LSM-trees key-value store dbs
  23. Hierarchical clustering
  24. Dealing with files to big for memory
  25. Speed ups on postgres for large data
  26. [NEXT] 5x2 CV
  27. [DONE] The stupid mistake I most made on my masters
  28. Approximate nearest neightbors
  29. [NEXT] Pedro Páramo. O que eu acho do realismo mágico.
  30. Get data from dailyo and generate default analysis since the app doesn’t provide
  31. Human programming interface
  32. Migrate my medium posts
  33. Continue to write post for my “What if” series
  34. Use new font for my site
  35. Struggles with Jupyter, versioning ml experiments, remembering notebooks names, remembering learnings
  36. Representation learning research plan
  37. [DONE] Write a blog post on Stoicism: On happiness
  38. Blog post on creating a readwise copy and what I learned of react
  39. Write a blog post on the book A guide to a good life
  40. Build a private blockchain just for fun
  41. Study OCaml
  42. Study Elixir
  43. I have an ongoing discussion with myself about generalization and specialization, maybe I should right something about it.
  44. Formalize convex optimization problems
  45. [NEXT] Quantified self blogpost. Memex
  46. Talk about ASGI and WSGI
  47. To have a resume of contents of the week for me to review to have long-term retention
  48. Async with python
  49. Renaissance woman
  50. Build a rss feed for me
  51. Study about bittorrent
  52. CPython internals
  53. Investigate postgres jsonb vs mongodb
  54. Send a email or DM to Jonah Edwards saying that I saw this talk and would like recommendations
  55. Cache invalidation strategy: stale-while-revalidate
  56. Study about Uvicorn, gunicorn, and the other one that is async
  57. multithreaded programming
  58. Long-pooling
  59. Elixir and Phoenix Liveview
  60. Check all new things from the previous day of a github repository
  61. Create a rules file
  62. Expand on this: property-based generative testing. Define properties and invariants of your code and schemas of your data, then generate random test cases (fuzzing essentially).
  63. Talk about fixed-width files
  64. Type Theory
  65. Local server with Raspberry PI
  66. There’s a pets stackechange I should follow some tags and link to a rss feed
  67. Write about finishing my masters
  68. Today I learned page on my site
  69. Tooling as the issue on software development
  70. Read pull requests of open source libraries
  71. Log-in on web3 apps
  72. Code a private key/public key signature and verification
  73. What is performance for web3 apps?
  74. Digital garden of everything related to web3
  75. Internal talk on how web3 projects are structured.
  76. Writing a sqlite clone from scratch in C
  77. Study about Merkle Trees, these are used all the time on blockchain
  78. Page on my site on technical content
  79. Write a blogpost on why people hate crypto so much
  80. Deep dive into some project’s architecture
  81. Why I think typing and unit tests are not equivalent
  82. Implement parts of git on my language of choice
  83. Implementing zip archiving
  84. Keep a debug diary
  85. Schedule some time to read CS papers
  86. Use google cloud function
  87. Study redis and Integrate a frontend app with Redis
  88. Links

[DONE] A website for me

  • This.

Maximum a-posterior rule

Gini Index

[DROPPED] Write about my struggles with CircleCI

  • Moved on

Search for a club of writers in recife

Read short stories. One per day

Write a blogpost with: what am I reading.

[NEXT] Write a blogpost with all the details of Self organizing maps

Thornton’s separability index

Write a blogpost about speed regexes

Write a blogpost on Generalized Degrees of Grey Incidence

Write a blogpost to about the Trace Ratio Criterion and its relation to dimensionality reduction

write a blog post about my piano quest this year

set as goal write 2 blogposts in january and increase this until writing one per week at the end of the year

Do a remix with Taylor swift’s song london boy + brega funk

Watch lectures on writing

What Should You Do with Your Life? Directions and Advice. Write life advices to my cousings

[DONE] How github actions sucks for custom builds

Read these books Books 2021

Criar um template para journals (tirar perguntas do livro Meditações) e refletir nelas diariamente

Revisar periodicamente minhas notas sobre livros

LSM-trees key-value store dbs

Hierarchical clustering

Dealing with files to big for memory

Speed ups on postgres for large data

[NEXT] 5x2 CV

[DONE] The stupid mistake I most made on my masters

Approximate nearest neightbors

[NEXT] Pedro Páramo. O que eu acho do realismo mágico.

Get data from dailyo and generate default analysis since the app doesn’t provide

Human programming interface

[DONE] Migrate my medium posts

Continue to write post for my “What if” series

Use new font for my site

Struggles with Jupyter, versioning ml experiments, remembering notebooks names, remembering learnings

Representation learning research plan

[DONE] Write a blog post on Stoicism: On happiness

Blog post on creating a readwise copy and what I learned of react

Write a blog post on the book A guide to a good life

Build a private blockchain just for fun

Study OCaml

  • This always comes back to me. I always find myself wanting to study this. Maybe I should do it. Follow the rule of the 10 hours;

Study Elixir

I have an ongoing discussion with myself about generalization and specialization, maybe I should right something about it.

Formalize convex optimization problems

[NEXT] Quantified self blogpost. Memex

Talk about ASGI and WSGI

To have a resume of contents of the week for me to review to have long-term retention

Async with python

Renaissance woman

Build a rss feed for me

Study about bittorrent

CPython internals

Investigate postgres jsonb vs mongodb

Send a email or DM to Jonah Edwards saying that I saw this talk and would like recommendations

Cache invalidation strategy: stale-while-revalidate

Study about Uvicorn, gunicorn, and the other one that is async

multithreaded programming

DONE Long-pooling

Elixir and Phoenix Liveview

Check all new things from the previous day of a github repository

Create a rules file

Expand on this: property-based generative testing. Define properties and invariants of your code and schemas of your data, then generate random test cases (fuzzing essentially).

Talk about fixed-width files

Type Theory

Local server with Raspberry PI

Write about finishing my masters

Today I learned page on my site

Tooling as the issue on software development

  • Comment on HN:
    • “This seems great for language/library knowledge. As an experienced polyglot, the languages are not where I’m hitting the wall these days though. It’s the tooling. I can learn new language basics faster than I can figure out the ecosystem/tooling.
    • For example, my current conundrum is how to deploy an Elixir Phoenix/MQTT app. Writing the app was a fun curve to climb. And I could use techniques like described here to learn from others in the actual programming. But how to build an executable I can wrap in a systemd process running on a different machine? Those are actions people do, not expressed so much in code I can look at. The few blogs I can find on the subject are mired in deep CI toolchains.
    • I want the blog that discusses the secret sauce to learn to acquire the knowledge to work the raft of ever evolving tools we have to work with now days. The “materials” (the languages) are the easy part now days. It’s the massively automated complicated machinery we’ve built around the language of ideas that are my personal pain point of entry.”

Read pull requests of open source libraries

  • Every morning, take your favorite open source library or one from a language you’re learning, go to the closed PRs on Github and start reading them from the beginning. Just a few a morning for warmup while you drink your morning coffee and catch up on email.
  • When you want to level up, start reading the diff, and review the code and changes yourself before reading the comments.
  • Finally, when you start feeling more confident, start leaving those comments on new PRs so that the maintainer doesn’t have to. You’re starting to contribute to open source!

Log-in on web3 apps

Code a private key/public key signature and verification

What is performance for web3 apps?

Internal talk on how web3 projects are structured.

  • aave ui
  • uniswap ui

Writing a sqlite clone from scratch in C

Study about Merkle Trees, these are used all the time on blockchain

Page on my site on technical content

Write a blogpost on why people hate crypto so much

Deep dive into some project’s architecture

Why I think typing and unit tests are not equivalent

Implement parts of git on my language of choice

Implementing zip archiving

Keep a debug diary

Schedule some time to read CS papers

Use google cloud function

Study redis and integrate it with a frontend app